Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Search for Contentment, Chapter 2

Oh well, sigh. As my storytelling goes, the impending truth awakens me. I have little hope left.

I mostly worked with call center companies. The only non-call center related job I had was with Dow Jones International. I worked as Quality Analyst on Revenue Marketing for the Asian Wall Street Journal. This job required me to work long hours but does not entirely compensate well compared to call center jobs. So after 3 months, I went back to being a "call girl".

6 years of working. Am I happy? I don't think so. I don't have an idea when this term could really mean anything to me. But I am trying.

I don't have a perfect marriage. My husband cheated on me more than twice already. I know I have faults too, but who doesn't? I had my fair share of flirting around as well, but hey, nothing serious. Right now, we are trying to mend things. Trying to start a whole new chapter and see if we really could go through life together. It is this time of our lives where we gauge our personalities, compatibilities and whether we could sacrifice our own happiness just to make amends to building a happy family.

Enough of the sad stories now...

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